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Confessions of a professional blog writer

Written by Shaun Bernstein on .

This is my first blog in far, far too long. More months than I am proud of for sure.

I make no excuses for it, but it’s always interesting to look back and ask why.

Why would I, a professional blogger, have allowed my own blog to lapse?

The truth is that I fell into the same trap that so many of my clients fall into as well.

I got busy.

At the start of the year, I set goals for the Write Stuff that seemed lofty even to me, but I dutifully wrote them on the whiteboard in my office and stare at them daily.

It’s September, and I’m on track to meet them if not exceed them this year.

That’s a great problem to have, but focusing on growing my business has distracted me from the ways that my business keeps growing, which is through content.

Why does content matter?

Suppose you last visited this website in January.

Admittedly, the bulk of the content may not change much throughout the year, which is normal, especially if there are no seismic changes in a business or its services.

But what would motivate you to come back to the site in April? In June? In September?

Without fresh content, there isn’t much!

That’s at the heart of why blogging, newsletters (which I have kept on top of), and other content are so important. Unfortunately, we live in a world where when we’re out of sight, we’re usually out of mind.

Even your best clients are unlikely to come back to your website over and over again searching out new content.

You need to offer them something that they can use, can learn from, and can engage with.

That’s why we blog.

How much is too much?

I have heard from some people that they feel overwhelmed by the demand to keep creating content.

Blogging routinely, plus a newsletter, plus social media, plus plus plus – it’s just too much!

First, remember that you don’t need to re-invent the wheel. Somebody’s already done that!

That means that you can have great, informative, evergreen content that lives on in several different venues.

Use your social media to drive traffic back to your website by posting about your latest blog piece.

When your newsletter is trumpeting all the latest news from your business or your industry, make sure to include links to your last few blog posts.

If you’re really stuck on a topic, resurrect something you’ve done ages ago, and let it inspire you to look at the same issue in a different way.

More importantly, you don’t need to go it alone!

There are professionals out there (such as yours truly) who can help you not only devise a content strategy, but run with the ball as well.

Whether it’s outsourcing your blog, your newsletter, your website writing, your social media, you name it – when you’re too busy to get it done, hire someone who can help.

Don’t let your marketing fall by the wayside just because you get too busy.

Maybe I should have taken my own advice on this one… 😉

Looking for someone who can help make your blog look better than mine?

I’ll always make time for that call. Grab a spot in my calendar and let’s see how we can help take your business to the next level.