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In memory of a great storyteller

What do you think of when you think of Gilbert Gottfried? Is it his voice of Iago, the wisecracking parrot in Aladdin? Is it his assortment of live action film and television roles, from Beverly Hills Cop II to the Problem Child movies? Or is it that iconic voice, which came through in everything from his celebrity roast appearances to his time as the nasal-voiced Aflac duck? The comic’s work is being remembered this week after his death on Tuesday, but for true Gilbert Gottfried fans, some of his best work happened on his podcast. The Gilbert Gottfried Amazing Colossal Podcast...

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If you’re happy and you know it, tell a friend

I’ll let you in on a little secret… The Write Stuff Agency has been built almost entirely on referrals. It’s true. I’ve spoken before about how this business started almost on something of a lark, trying to road test the idea of content writing for others under their own brands. I was, and always will be, incredibly grateful to those initial clients who believed in my skillset and were willing to take a chance. The local real estate agent looking to boost his profile, the real estate lawyer who had been struggling to do her own website, the criminal lawyer who had...

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