The Other F-Word
Written by Shaun Bernstein on .
Let’s be honest – there are few things that can upset your day quite like seeing Christmas decorations for sale in July.
Or August, that magical time of year where you can buy both sunscreen, and a children’s snowsuit, in the same store.
Thankfully the days are still warm, the sun is still shining, and the late evening sunsets are still a thing of beauty. However, as much as we try to put it out of our minds, we all know something breezier is lurking just around the corner.
That’s right, it’s that other f-word. Fall.
While the season doesn’t officially start for almost six weeks (and than…

More than words
Written by Shaun Bernstein on .
“See I’m all about them words/
Over numbers, unencumbered numbered words/
Pages and pages for words and/
More words than I have ever heard and I/
Feel so alive”
– “You and I both” by Jason Mraz
Words are unbelievably powerful tools. The pen truly can be mightier than the sword.
Words can make you laugh, and they can make you cry. They can make you fall in love, and they can make you fall into a rage.
Most of all words have the power to make you take notice, and they have the power to make you take action. That is one of the key components of any marketing.
In your digital marketing…

For Your Listening Pleasure
Written by Shaun Bernstein on .
I’ve always loved words, but truth be told one of my first loves was radio.
I didn’t always appreciate the magic of radio as a kid, but as I learned more about the journalism world, I learned just what power it had in store.
When I reached journalism school, I had some of the best times of my program working on our college radio news program. It may not have broadcast more than a few km off campus, but boy did we take it seriously, and we won awards for it too!
My favourite role was as a chase producer. That means that whenever you hear someone interviewed on the news, on TV or on radio, w…

Surprise and Delight
Written by Shaun Bernstein on .
Two weeks ago I was fortunate enough to post on my birthday, and this week I was lucky to be with my wife as she celebrated hers.
Our birthdays have been lower key since the pandemic, and she didn’t have many requests for the day except that we go to our weekly trivia at our favourite local brewery.
We’re regulars there, and close with the management team, and so I made sure they knew that she was excited to spend her birthday there.
We came in close to the start time, but needless to say were overjoyed by what we found waiting for us at the bar.
Our friend the taproom manager was kind en…